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          Bullets S&B caliber 7,62mm, weight 150grs, SP, 2939

          Bullets Sellier & Bellot caliber 7,62mm, diameter .311, weight 150grs/9,70g, bullet type SP, code 2939 (V338872)

          Kod produktu:2939
          Marka:Sellier Bellot

          Twoja cena0,3167  EUR 
          W magazynie
          Pozycję można kupić tylko w krotkościach 100


          Bullet Sellier & Bellot


          Caliber: 7,62mm

          Diameter: .311

          Weight: 150grs, 9,70g

          Type of Bullet: SP


          Packed by 100pcs.


          Bullet SP:

          A semi-jacketed bullet consisting of a metallic jacket and a lead core. The lead core is bare in front. When hitting the target, it gets deformed aand produces a mushroom-like shape, which enhances the lethal effect. It is used for most types of rifle cartridges and, depending on caliber weight, it is used for cloven-hoofed game hunting in particular.



          The photo has illustration purpose only.


          waga grain
          waga grain
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          waga gram

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