High quality, plastic coated steel cable with brass handle for various cleaning applications. Can tow felt cleaners, cleaning brushes and such. Tensile strength over 45 kg.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .22, .222, .223, .224, 5,5 mm, 5,56 mm, 5,6 mm, .228 and such. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .243, 6 mm, 6,35 mm, .25, 6,5 mm, 25-06, .257, .260, .264 and similar. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 6,8 mm, .270, 7 mm, .280, .284 and similar. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .32, 7,64 mm, 7,65 mm, 7,92 mm, 8 mm, .325, .327 and such. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: 8,5 mm, .338, 9 mm, .357, 9,3 mm, .375, .38 and such.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: 8,5 mm, .338, 9 mm, .357, 9,3 mm, .375, .38 and similar. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: .40, .404, .405, 10,3 mm, .408, .41, .416 and such.
Special pellets with brass fibers for gun cleaning, 300 pcs per pack. For calibers: .40, .404, .405, 10,3 mm, .408, .41, .416 and similar. Ballistol Spezial Felt Pellets.
Compressed felt pellets for gun cleaning, 150 pcs per pack. Superior cleaning, easy to use. For calibers: .43, .44, .45, .458, .460, .475, .480 and such.
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