Birchwood Casey's rear rifle shooting support offers 6 positions of adjustment. Lightweight, durable aluminum construction features abrasion resistant polyurethane jaws and feet.
AR-15 Multi-Tool Birchwood Casey is an AR-15 specific tool designed for maintenance of the AR and LR-308 platforms. 15 tool selection, including bolt carrier scapper, A1 and A2 sight tools.
Pistol Gun Multi-Tool Birchwood Casey is a compact multi-function tool for pistol maintenance. 10 tool selection, including 1911 barrel bushing wrench and detachable pin punch.
Glock Multi-Tool Birchwood Casey is a compact multi-function tool for assemble, disassemble and clean glocks. Includes 4 folding tools for glock maintenance.
Universal Gun Multi-Tool Birchwood Casey is a universal multi-function tool for assembly, disassembly and Cleaning of guns. Includes 16 tools for universal gun maintenance.
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