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          IOSSO Bore Cleaner 44 ml

          Solvent IOSSO Bore Cleaner 44 ml (1.5 oz). NEW BIO-Based Formula.


          Ihr Preis11,17  EUR 
          Auf Lager


          NEW BIO-Based Formula. Highly effective concentrated paste formula that lasts longer and takes less time to clean with than ordinary liquid or aerosol type cleaners. Because it is a paste it cannot spill or run into wood stocks, grips or mechanisms causing chemical damage.

          IOSSO Bore Cleaner removes copper, lead, carbon burn, powder fouling, plastic wad residue, and surface rust. It is non-corrosive, non-flammable and has no offensive odors or mists.

          Use with the Eliminator Brushes and Eliminator Triple Action Oil Solution for complete cleaning.This bio-based formula is made from plant extracts.

          USDA Certified and designated for federal procurement.


          Simple use:

          1. For maximum effectivity, apply the Triple Action Oil Solution to a patch and run it through the bore several times.
          2. Apply IOSSO Bore Cleaner sparingly to an Eliminator Brush. Run through the bore one or more times.
          3. Remove the paste with clean, dry patches until one comes out clean.

          Repeat the process, if necessary. Lastly, moisten a patch with oil and run it through the bore. Follow with a clean dry patch.


          STROBL.CZ Tip

          The bore should be treated with oil after using the Bore Cleaner. You can use Triple Action Oil Solution, but we use SchleTek Gun Tuning to avoid the oil shot effect.



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