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          Bullets ARES .45-70 dia .459, 500grs, FP BB PB

          Lead bullets caliber .45-70, dia .459, weight 500grs. Bullet shape FP BB. PB - groove-greased lead cast bullets.


          Your price0,4333  EUR 
          In stock
          The item can only be purchased only in multiples 100
          Weight500 grain (32,4 gram)
          Bullet shapeFP BB
          Bullet finishPB - groove-greased lead cast bullets w/o paint coating


          Quality bullets for ammo reloading made by European manufacturer ARES, used by competitive sport shooters from all around the world.

          Every bullet is groove greased with hard lube.



          Weight grains
          Weight grains
          Weight in grams
          Weight in grams
          Sale only in CZ

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          Polymer coated lead bullets caliber .50, dia .501, weight 330grs. Bullet shape RN FP BB. EPRX coating - lead cast colour bullets with unpainted base.

          Lead bullets caliber .50, dia .501, weight 330grs. Bullet shape RN FP BB. PB - groove-greased lead cast bullets.

          Polymer coated lead bullets caliber .50, dia .501, weight 330grs. Bullet shape RN FP BB. CEPRX coating - fully paint-coated lead cast colour bullets.

          Polymer coated lead bullets caliber .45-70, dia .459, weight 500grs. Bullet shape FP BB. EPRX coating - lead cast colour bullets with unpainted base.
          Sale only in CZ

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