Complete feeding kit including feed container (113 l) and standing legs. Digital timer with large LCD display. Adjustable feeding time 1-60 seconds, feeding 1-16 times per day.
American Hunter XD-PRO KIT with varmint guard and large LCD display. Powered by 6V SPRING TOP battery. Adjustable feeding time 1-60 seconds, feeding 1-16 times per day.
The 6V SOLAR CHARGER ECONOMY keeps 6V batteries constantly charged. Great for keeping batteries charged in feeders, camping lanterns and flashlights. Includes convenient mounting brackets.
American Hunter XDE FEEDER KIT with large LCD display. Powered by 6V SPRING TOP battery. Adjustable feeding time 1-60 seconds, feeding 1-16 times per day.
Integrated rechargeable battery allows the panel to be used as a main or supplementary power source. Compatible with American Hunter feeders. Universal mount with adjustable panel direction.
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